Active Threat Incidents - Fox Crossing PD
Jason Weber with Fox Crossing Police Department presented on active threat incidents.
Jason has worked in law enforcement since 1990, he is currently assigned to the investigations division as the departments' Community Liaison Officer and Media Spokesperson. He also serves as the Vice President for the Wisconsin Crime Prevention Practitioners Association. He has played a key role in developing various award winning community programs in drug abuse prevention and nuisance ordinance and abatement. Jason was awarded the 2010 Law Enforcement Partner of the Year from the WI Prevention Network on Substance Abuse, the 2010 Crime Prevention Practitioner of the Year from the WI Crime Prevention Practitioners Association, the 2011 Historian of the Year by the Outagamie County Historical Society and the 2014 Fox Valley Technical College’s Outstanding Alumni Award.
We covered
tips and tactics that can be used in any crisis, be it an active threat of violence, fire emergency, or weather incident. We speak of ‘threats’ instead of ‘shootings’ as we are starting to see these acts being carried out with knives, explosives and vehicles.
According to the FBI, 2014 and 2015 each saw 20 active threat incidents. That’s more than any two-year average in the past 16 years, and nearly six times as many as the period between 2000 and 2001. Seven out of ten active threats are in public places - Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut; Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina; a mall in St. Cloud, Minnesota; a nightclub in Orlando, Florida -- these are some of the more public places that have seen major mass threat incidents.
As we all know, no community is immune from these tragic events as evidenced on the Trestle Trail in 2015. Even though the first officer on scene at the Trestle Trail was there in less than a minute, on average it takes law enforcement three minutes to respond to an active threat incident. What people do in those three minutes potentially could be lifesaving!